Saturday, March 31, 2012

Coming Soon.

A bit of personal information, I'm currently on holiday in the states meaning that there won't be a blog post (excluding this one) for a couple of weeks, what will you do without me?

However when I return I will be giving my observations upon any tv shows or feature films I have watched during my stay.

So far I have consumed :

Sideways (On Plane)
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Big Bang Theory
Life's Too Short
Family Guy.

There will also be an ambiguous post about a series I'm currently planning, although if you know me ( I can't really see anybody reading this who doesn't know me) you will know what I'm reffering to.

I'm gutted to be missing Madmen season 5 as it premiered, at home, on the night I left. But I did buy a Sopranos poster today which I wouldn't find in the UK.

Well, time to put on a few more pounds.


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