The last post for BUstation!
This entry will deal with my second script for the university soap "Hidden". By now you should know the ins and outs of my second script "Last Summer" as I previously brainstormed and then documented the issues I had whilst typing up the script.
Well, just to recap, Last Summer is about Marissa the student who unfortunately has
lost her father over the summer and is now dealing with the grief which is personified by the character George, her father.
Right. The main issues with it were:
1. The deceased father, George, comes off as too much of a nuisance/prick. Meaning we ,the audience, can't sympathise with him as much as we should.
2. Marissa's motives are questionable at times during the script, for example, at one point Marissa is asked to go for a drink, she rolls her eyes, which to many people is a clear-cut rejection yet I seem to have missed this and had her go along for the hell of it.
3. As you may have noticed from these blog posts, my grammar isn't up to the standard it should be as a writer.
My solutions to these problems will be as follows:
1. Instead of having doting father George pelt his daughter with paperballs in class, effectively making her look like a freak, I shall have him making sure that Marissa is keeping up with the teaching.
2. I'll make Marissa a clearer character, when she cries she is upset, if she laughs she is amused. She won't be this strange concoction of elements that allows her to go for drinks with strangers for no direct reason. She will have clearer motives.
3. It's time to go back to school, get my nose in some Literacy books etc.
There we go! I hope whoever has been reading these posts has enjoyed my cyber company.
I wish Alan Rickman was my teacher.