Saturday, March 31, 2012

Coming Soon.

A bit of personal information, I'm currently on holiday in the states meaning that there won't be a blog post (excluding this one) for a couple of weeks, what will you do without me?

However when I return I will be giving my observations upon any tv shows or feature films I have watched during my stay.

So far I have consumed :

Sideways (On Plane)
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Big Bang Theory
Life's Too Short
Family Guy.

There will also be an ambiguous post about a series I'm currently planning, although if you know me ( I can't really see anybody reading this who doesn't know me) you will know what I'm reffering to.

I'm gutted to be missing Madmen season 5 as it premiered, at home, on the night I left. But I did buy a Sopranos poster today which I wouldn't find in the UK.

Well, time to put on a few more pounds.


Saturday, March 24, 2012


The last post for BUstation!

This entry will deal with my second script for the university soap "Hidden". By now you should know the ins and outs of my second script "Last Summer" as I previously brainstormed and then documented the issues I had whilst typing up the script.

Well, just to recap, Last Summer is about Marissa the student who unfortunately has lost her father over the summer and is now dealing with the grief which is personified by the character George, her father.

Right. The main issues with it were:

1. The deceased father, George, comes off as too much of a nuisance/prick. Meaning we ,the audience, can't sympathise with him as much as we should.

2. Marissa's motives are questionable at times during the script, for example, at one point Marissa is asked to go for a drink, she rolls her eyes, which to many people is a clear-cut rejection yet I seem to have missed this and had her go along for the hell of it.

3. As you may have noticed from these blog posts, my grammar isn't up to the standard it should be as a writer.

My solutions to these problems will be as follows:

1. Instead of having doting father George pelt his daughter with paperballs in class, effectively making her look like a freak, I shall have him making sure that Marissa is keeping up with the teaching.

2. I'll make Marissa a clearer character, when she cries she is upset, if she laughs she is amused. She won't be this strange concoction of elements that allows her to go for drinks with strangers for no direct reason. She will have clearer motives.

3. It's time to go back to school, get my nose in some Literacy books etc.

There we go! I hope whoever has been reading these posts has enjoyed my cyber company.


I wish Alan Rickman was my teacher.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Last Summer"

This post is dedicated to BUstation, specifically, the second script I have written for the University soap "Hidden".  As you may have guessed from the title, very original, it's called "Last Summer" and is based upon the ramblings in my last BUstation related blog post.

That particular post was dedicated to brainstorming an idea around the loss of a loved one. I named my character Marissa and decided that her father had passed away over the summer between the two terms.

In the end, however, I did encounter a couple of problems when I came to typing up the script. The first thing I realised was that it would be difficult to convey such a big loss over three measly pages. I also wanted the piece to have a sense of closure.

This was when I decided to personify the character that had died, George, Marissa's father. It is not revealed how he died because quite frankly it doesn't matter. This is Marissa's story and revolves around her dealing with the loss of an immediate family member.

I think in hind-sight this is a more accesible script than "Accumlator" as the majority of people have had to deal with bereavement whereas only a portion of you will have had to deal with a gambling addiction.

I hope this script will be better received than my last for "Hidden" and look forward to receiving feedback from the script editor.


P.S Im struggling to find a picture for this post.

One day I hope to write a "Quirky Black Comedy".

Friday, March 16, 2012

New Horizons

My love affair with the Sopranos came to an abrupt end (Thanks Mr Chase) last weekend. The last season was everything I expected it to be: compelling, poignant and most of all it left me wanting more. Since watching the final sequence in the restaraunt, I have proceeded to watching rerun after rerun of the ending on youtube trying to decipher all of the symbolism and any clues that may lead to the fate of Tony Soprano and his family.

However when one show ends, another must begin. Now I start my search for the replacement to a series that I invested approximately 86 hours of my time to. I am currently re-watching Madmen with my girlfriend, were up to season 3, and up to season 6 of Curb Your Enthusiam. Both great shows in their own right however I find myself wanting more.

I started watching Boardwalk Empire when it first aired and for the most part enjoyed season 1.It didn't suck me in though. I have season 2 on planner but to be honest I don't see myself getting to the end of that series.

Alot of my course mates watch Breaking Bad and the Walking Dead, so perhaps I need to give them a chance. So which do I choose? A series about a man living out his final months with terminal cancer or a series focussed upon surviving the zombie apocalypse?

I may do a blog post upon the ending of Sopranos but it's been so heavily covered I don't think I'll add anything to the couldron that hasnt already been chucked in.

Onwards and upwards.

The search for the next series begins.....

...... I miss Tony and Christopher.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Onto the next one...

Back to academic work. I am going to use this blog post to brainstorm possible ideas for the second script I'm going to write for "Hidden". This time I have a beautiful little thing called hindsight. Last time I came around to writing "Accumulator" there was a fundamental flaw with it, the gambling addiction wasn't really hidden as such.

Right. I seem to write alot of male orientated scripts, I haven't once had a female character as the protagonist so lets change that now. Okay, I need an aspect of her personality that is hidden to her peers. The obvious thing to go for would be bulimia,anorexia. These are terrible issues but I don't think I could handle them tactfully enough.

I'm going to call her Marissa, second year, I think the hidden aspect should possibly be that she has lost a relative recently and is desperate to tell somebody but can't bring herself to do it. Therefore this manifests into her seeing the relative in question in lectures and seminars. The relative is a friendly ghost though (not called Caspar) I think the relative, I'm thinking her Dad, wants her to let him go but for that to happen she needs to be able to confide in someone so she can move on.

I'm not sure who she should tell, possibly a male buck, I think that would make more sense than a best friend as they would be insulted that she hadn't told them sooner. So yeah, maybe it's like a second date, they've fallen for each other but before things start getting "hot and heavy" she tells him about her father. Although that might be a bit creepy if the Dad is there just watching them make out, hmm.

Okay Marissa returns for year two of uni, it doesn't matter what course she does (noone cares anyway), her best friends notice a change in her. Marissa keeps seeing her Fathers ghost, he tells her to speak to someone, every time she has company he is there begging her to let him go. In the first lecture she meets a lad who is pretty cool, this results in them taking things to Dylans bar where she tells him whats happened etc. I smell a crossover! How about if Gaz and the gym guy from the first script are in there drinking as the results come in? Yeah I'll do that.

This has helped quite alot to be fair. I have no idea what picture I can shamelessly include to try and induce a giggle, my girlfriend is in Paris at the moment so maybe a French guy eating frogs legs? Nah, don't want to ruin this academic post do I?

