Thursday, February 23, 2012

Karl Pilkington - Man or Character?

I've always thought this, and I'm sure many other people have too. Karl Pilkington has to be scripted, surely?
I love the show to bits, I have three of the audio books and the first three "Ricky Gervais Show" series but I can't get my head around it (not his head like a fucking orange).

A little bit of context, Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant, the two acclaimed creators of "The Office" (Don't worry there will be a blog post about my love for David Brent soon) are joined by there producer at XFM Karl Pilkington to discuss recent news stories and events. With this as a basis for the podcasts it shouldn't be as hilarious as it is. It's Karl that steals the show week after week. 

How can a man be as naieve as Karl, it's something to behold. My favourite part of the show had to be "Monkey News", dropped after the first series, it's brilliant. I have no idea what inspired Ricky or Steve to make Karl research the so called Monkey News but it's actually genius. Karl will find a story that involves a monkey in  one way or another to which Ricky and Steve rip it to shreds. Monkey News has included :A monkey having an seizure whilst in the national (Karl didn't want name them) bobsled team, a monkey flying a rocket into space with a banana dispenser onboard and my personal favourite a suited monkey charming Cher on a Russian Chat show.

Another great feature of the show is "Karls Diary" where Steve reads out his thoughts after Karl kept a diary whilst on holiday, in which he noted how many cross-eyed people there were in Gran Canaria. 

I would love to believe that Karl is just one of those phenomina that cannot be explained but surely Karl Pilkingto is an extension of himself, maybe he is naive to a degree but I believe that he is in fact a comedy talent, maybe he writes his own scripts? Or possibly the three of them write the show beforehand. If  you haven't seen the show, and therefore have no idea what im talking about, then I suggest you download them as soon as you can. They won't dissapoint, especially if you're a fan of The office, Extras or Life's too Short.

With this in mind it must be said that Karl Pilkington, If you're a fictional character than you really are a genius, if not, nevermind, Keep it coming.


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